Biographical Sketches

Biographical Sketches
Gerald Halsted Bishop photographed at his home on Litchfield Turnpike in Woodbridge.

Another excerpt from the chapter on Woodbridge included in the ‘History of New Haven’ published in 1892 provides brief biographical sketches of men then living in Woodbridge.

  • Daniel C. Augur
  • Ira W. Baldwin
  • John J. Baldwin
  • John W. Barker
  • Charles N. Beecher
  • John J. Beecher
  • Jacob Beiseigel
  • Jacob Beiseigel, Jr.
  • G. Halsted Bishop
  • Thomas Darling
  • Stephen P. Bradley
  • Oliver Stoddard Chatfield
  • John Currie
  • David E. Currie
  • Lauren Doolittle
  • Willis Doolittle
  • John W. Downs
  • Frederick F. Finney
  • Charles C. Hitchcock
  • Lewis Hitchcock
  • Alfred F. Key
  • Jacob Kunz
  • John M. Lines
  • Michael McCarthy
  • David W. Marks
  • Chauncy S. Morris
  • Charles L. Northrop
  • Frank G. Northrop
  • Silas J. Peck
  • William J. Peck
  • William W. Peck
  • Henry Perthes
  • Lewis Russell
  • John F. Shepherd
  • George R. Sperry
  • Albert L. Sperry
  • William H. Warner
  • William C. White
  • Stiles C. Williams

Daniel C. Augur, born in New Haven in 1807, was a son of Joel, and grandson of Isaac Augur. Joel married Phila, daughter of Joshua Newhall, who was a revolutionary soldier. Their children were: Lewis, Daniel C, Joel, George, Wealthy A., Susan and Elizabeth B. Daniel C. Augur, from 1822 to 1829, was a resident of Bridgeport, Conn., where he learned the shoemaker's trade. From 1829 to 1838 he resided in New Haven. In 183S he removed to Woodbridge, where he afterward resided. In 1839 he engaged in the butcher business in New Haven, which he conducted for 17 years, doing a wholesale and retail business. From that time until his death he was extensively engaged in growing garden seeds. He was a selectman of the town, and was assessor for ten years, also justice of the peace and notary public several years. From 1830 to 1834 he was a captain in the state militia. Captain Augur was thrice married: first, in 1828, to Delia Middlebrook, by whom he had three children: Minot, Amelia E. and Charles P. He married for his second wife Caroline E. Clark, and for his third wife Miranda Allen. Minot married Ruth, daughter of Bennett B. Peck, of Woodbridge. Amelia E. is the wife of Judge Henry Stoddard. Charles P. was married in 1871 to Isabel Allen, of Westport, Conn. Their children are: Edith, Erroll, Elma, Ethel, Eimer, Eunice, Elsie and Edna. Daniel C. Augur died October 24th, 1890. At the time of his death he was the oldest Odd Fellow and the oldest militia officer in the state.

Ira W. Baldwin, born in Woodbridge in 1839, is a son of Abner S., grandson of Abner, and great-grandson of Jeremiah Baldwin. Mr. Baldwin is a farmer and has always resided in Woodbridge and Orange. He married, in 1862, Esther C, daughter of William Andrew, of Orange. Their children are Frank I. and Fannie E.

John J. Baldwin, born in Woodbridge in 1852, is a son of Abner S. whose father, Abner, was a son of Deacon Richard Baldwin, also an elder of the church. Abner S. was born in Woodbridge in 1809, and married Mary A. Camp. Their children were: Delia, Emily, Nancy, Ira W., Everett, Allison, Mary and John J. Abner S. Baldwin held the office of selectman for several years, also justice of the peace, and taught school. John T. Baldwin is engaged in farming and the milk business. He married, in 1872, Ellen F., daughter of Parson Baldwin, of Woodbridge. They have two children: Burton J., born in 1875, now pursuing a preparatory college course at the Hopkins Grammar School, New Haven; and Adella F. born in 1877, at West End Institute, New Haven.

Doctor John W. Barker, born in New York city in 1836, was educated at the Yale Medical School, graduating in 1860. He immediately began the practice of his profession at Easthampton, Mass. He remained there less than three years. Going to New Haven he practiced there until 1871, when he settled in Woodbridge, where he has since resided. He is a member of the State and County Medical Societies, and during his residence in New Haven was a member of the New Haven Medical Society.

Charles N. Beecher, born in Woodbridge in 1821, is a son of Amos and grandson of Enoch, both of whom were residents of Woodbridge and farmers. Enoch kept a store in Woodbridge at one time. Amos Beecher married Charlotte, daughter of Silas Baldwin, of Woodbridge, and their children were: Charles N., Mary A., Elizabeth A., George E., Charlotte M., Alonzo E., Franklin A. and Jane V. Charles N. Beecher was married, in 1858, to Mary Warner, of Mt. Carmel, Conn. They have one son, Charles L., born in 1859, married Gertrude Ladd, of Seymour. Charles L. is secretary of the board of education, and of the Woodbridge Grange.

John J. Beecher, born in Woodbridge in 1824, is a son of Reuben, and grandson of Ephraim, whose father is supposed to have been named Reuben. Ephraim Beecher was one of the early residents of Woodbridge, and one of the leading” men of his day. He served in the war of 1812. He married Sarah Dorrance, and had ten children, all of whom lived to maturity, and the majority to the advanced age of 70 and 80 years. They were: Pattie, Bela, Malinda, Reuben M., Demon, Elizabeth A., Sally, Riley, Lydia C. and David. Reuben M. Beecher was born in Woodbridge in 1791, and married Mary, daughter of Silas Baldwin. Their children were: John J., Catherine L., Wells M., Edward I. and Francis M.; the two last died young. John J. Beecher has mostly been a resident of Woodbridge, has held a number of the important offices of the town, and is now deacon of the church. In 1S62 he enlisted in the 10th Connecticut Volunteers, and served three years. He married, in 1846, Maria Carrington, of Cheshire, Conn. They had two children: Helen M. and one that died in infancy. Helen M. married Carlos D. Blakeman, of Stratford, Conn. Wells M. Beecher was born in Woodbridge in 1833, and married, in 1859, Carrie W. Fuller, of Orange, Mass. They have had two children: Frank Wheaton, born June 29th, 1861, died the following October; and Edward W. Mr. Beecher was appointed town treasurer in 1887, to fill a vacancy, and elected to the same office in 1888 and 1889. He is secretary and treasurer of the Congregational church of Woodbridge.

Jacob Beiseigel, born in Hesse Darmstadt, Germany, December 25th, 1827, came to America in 1854, and to Woodbridge in 1855, where he has since resided, engagfed in farming-. He was married in 1857 to Clara Schwartzweller. Their children are: Mary, Kate, Jacob, Jr., Clara, Julia, Amelia and Frank. Julia married Charles Parker; Mary married Albert Liefield; Clara married Edward Buhlus.

Jacob Beiseigel, Jr., born in Woodbridge October 5th, 1860, is a son of Jacob and Clara (Schwartzweller) Beisiegel, and grandson of Jacob. Jacob Beisiegel, Jr., was married in 1889 to Mamie Russell. He is a member of the Woodbridge Congregational church and of the Grange.

G. Halsted Bishop, born in New Haven in 1S64, is a son of Charles, whose father, John, was a son of Ichabod Bishop, who was a resident of East Haven and one of its leading men. Charles Bishop was born January 14th, 1817, in East Haven. He carried on a coal business for several years, and afterward engaged in the wholesale grocery trade. He died in 1869. He married, in 1845, Mary A., daughter of Thomas Darling. They had six children, only two of whom lived to grow up — G. Halsted and Mary R.. Thomas Darling was born May 3d, 1793. He was a son of Thomas, he a son of Thomas, and he a son of Thomas, who was one of the early settlers of Woodbridge. Thomas Darling, the 4th, was a prominent man in Woodbridge. He was its representative three terms. He married Lucy, daughter of Samuel Newton, and they had three daughters: Jane, Mary A. and Lucia.

Stephen P. Bradley, born in Woodbridge in 1832, is a son of Abner, whose father, Abner, was a son of Abner Bradley. All were residents of Woodbridge and farmers, except the father of Stephen P., who was a mason. He married Abia, daughter of Stephen Peck. Their children were: Stephen P. and Rowe S. Stephen P. Bradley was engaged in farming until 1870, when he engaged in the mercantile trade, which he carried on for eleven years, nine in Westville and two in New Haven. In 1889 he again engaged in trade at Westville, which he carries on at the present time. He has held the office of selectman for five years and assessor for eight years. He married, in 1854, Betsey A., daughter of James J. Baldwin, of Woodbridge. They have one son, Charles A., born 1858, married in 1S82 Addie W. Burgess.

Oliver Stoddard Chatfield, born in Derby (now Seymour) in 1794, was a son of Joel and grandson of Elnathan, who was a son of Edwin. Joel Chatfield married Ruth Stoddard. His son, Oliver Stoddard Chatfield, married Abigail Tuttle and their children were: Mary J., George W., Martha A., Howard G., Henry W., Ruth A. and Charles C. He graduated from Yale College, and at one time published the New England Journal of Education, at Boston, Mass. Mary J. married, in 1849, Friend C. Ford, son of Jared and grandson of Elias Ford.

John Currie, born in Dumfriesshire, Scotland, in 1829, is a son of David and Agnes (Gillispie) Currie, and grandson of James Currie. He came to America in 1853, and in 1863 settled in Woodbridge and engaged in farming-. He owns and resides on the homestead of Reverend Woodbridge, after whom the town was named. The residence on the place was built in 1697. Mr. Currie is a member of the Congregational church of Woodbridge. He was married in 1856 to Ellen Nesbitt. Their children were; Mary, David and Agnes. In 1882 he married for his second wife Elizabeth Johnstone. They have two children: Archibald and Amy.

David E. Currie, born in Canada in 1860, is a son of John and Ellen (Nesbitt) Currie, grandson of David and great-grandson of James Currie. In 1863 his parents settled in Woodbridge, where he has since resided. Since 1880 he has been engaged in the milk business. He married, in 1883, Addie L. Church, of West Haven.

Lauren Doolittle, born in Hamden in 1819, is a son of Reuben and grandson of Caleb. Lauren Doolittle settled in Woodbridge in 1847, and married Ann E. Parker. Their children are: Sarah, who married Francis Gorham; Frank, who married Hattie Beecher; Grace, who married Burnet Dorman; Herbert, married Kate Hotchkiss; George, married Ida Hotchkiss; and Willie. Mrs. Doolittle's father was Ebenezer P. Parker, son of Ebenezer. Her mother's maiden name was Huldah Sperry.

Willis Doolittle, born in Hamden in 1810, is a son of Reuben and grandson of Caleb Doolittle. Caleb married Hannah Merriman. Reuben Doolittle married Rhoda, daughter of John Wooding. Their children were: Alfred, Isaac, Alma, Ana, Seymour, Wealthy, Reuben, Willis, Lucius, Huldah, Lauren and Burnett. Willis Doolittle settled in Woodbridge in 1837, and married, the same year, Abigail, daughter of Phineas Hitchcock. Mr. Doolittle has held the office of justice of the peace.

John W. Downs, born in Woodbridge in 1830, is a son of Joseph, and grandson of Joseph Downes, all natives of Woodbridge, and farmers. Joseph, the 1st, married Rhoda Beecher, November 17th, 1780, and their children were: Mary, born March 16th, 1781; Lucy, July 8th, 1783; Content, February 17th, 1786; Elizabeth, April 13th, 1788; Shelden, April 7th, 1790; Sarah, June 6th, 1792; Amanda, April 29th, 1796; Caroline, September 2d, 1799; Joseph, September 5th, 1801. Joseph, 2d, married Adeline Morris, of Oxford, and their children were: Albert B., John W. and Andrew E. Albert B. and John W. are living. Albert B. Downs served in the Second Connecticut Regiment during the late war, and was captain of a company. He married Celeste Dowd. John W. Downs settled in New Haven early in life, and learned the trade of saddler and harness maker, which he followed for some years. For the past 28 years he has been engaged in the manufacture of root beer. In 1881 he returned to Woodbridge, where he has since resided. He married, in 1857, Ann E. Browne. Their children are: Albert W., Mary A., Anna M., Katie B., Lily D. and Cora E.

Frederick F. Finney, born in Norwalk, Conn., in 1837, is a son of Charles, and grandson of Charles Finney. Charles, father of Frederick, married Abigail Webb. Their children were: George L., Frederick F. and Oscar F. Frederick F. came to Woodbridge in 1870, and with the exception of five years spent in New Haven, has since resided there. He was elected representative in 1887, and first selectman in 1888 and 1889. He was married in 1S64 to Esther L. Hitchcock. They have two sons: Franklin H. and Edward A.

Charles C. Hitchcock, born in New Haven in 1837, is a son of Chester Hitchcock, who was a carriage maker, and carried on that business in New Haven for nearly 40 years. He married Julia Nettleton, of Naugatuck. Their children were: Charles C, Mary, Anna, Harriett, Ella, George and Albert. Ella and Albert are deceased. Charles C. Hitchcock worked at carriage making in New Haven for several years, and in 1S72 settled in Woodbridge and engaged in the milk business and farming. He enlisted in the 13th Connecticut Regiment, Company K, and served over three years. In 1872 he married Jennie E. Royce, of Willington, Conn. Their children are: George H. (deceased), Nellie J. and Chester C.

Lewis Hitchcock, born in Bethany in 1838, is a son of Amos, and grandson of Amos, who came from New Haven, settled in Bethany, and served in the war of 1812. He married Sarah Sperry. Their children were: Phineas, Ransom, Amos, Hannah and Minerva. Amos Hitchcock, Jr., married Abby L. Judson. Their children were: Sarah, Alice, Ransom, LeAvis, Lucien (deceased), Ellen and Irene. Sarah married Jared Sperry; Alice married Lyman Sperry; Ransom married Mary Russell; Ellen married Stiles C. Williams. Lewis Hitchcock was married in 1860 to Velina, daughter of Edward Hine, of Woodbridge. They have three children: Nellie E., Helen and Edward. Mr. Hitchcock settled in Woodbridge about 1866. He enlisted in the 27th Regiment in 1862, and served nine months. Ransom Hitchcock also enlisted in the same regiment.

Alfred F. Key, born in New York city in 1844, is a son of Frederick Key. He resided in Philadelphia for a time, and later in New Haven, where he was bookkeeper for the Scoville Manufacturing Company. He settled in Woodbridge in 1871. He is a member of Montowese Lodge, I. O. O. F., of New Haven. In 1873 he married Emily, daughter of Allen Peck, of Woodbridge. They have two children: Ella L. and Frederick W. Allen Peck married Julia Spencer. They had six children: Zina, Austin, Martha, Zina, James and Emily. Only James and Emily are living.

Jacob Kunz, born in Bavaria, Germany, in 1842, came to America in 1865, and in 1866 settled in New Haven, where he resided until 1878, when he removed to Woodbridge, and has since resided there. He engaged in farming. He married Margarita Knecht. Their children were: Annie, John J. and Charles. Mrs. Kunz died in 1878. In 1879 Mr. Kunz married Elizabeth Herpich. Their children are: Elizabeth and Christiana.

John M. Lines, of Woodbridge, Conn., was born in Woodbridge September 15th, 1830. About four miles west of the city of New Haven, along the Seymour turnpike, is situated “Stillwood,” the residence of Mr. Lines. It is named for its quietness, in the midst of surrounding copse and wood. Ample wealth has added the charm of art to the rustic beauty of nature. The closely shaven lawn, the green fields, the growing crops, the great elms, and the fruit-bearing trees, the capacious and richly appointed residence situated in the midst, the barns and carriage houses and other buildings in the rear and at a little distance, make “Stillwood” one of the most attractive estates to be found in the environs of New Haven. The place has long been held in the Lines family; it has been an ancestral estate, and now the seventh generation dwells where long since the pioneer settlers of the Lines stock, in the early history of New Haven county, made their home.

So early as January 1st, 1772, there met and married two from leading families of the county, James Lines and Susanna Ailing. Their eldest daughter, Sarah, married James Landon and settled in Litchfield county. Their son, John Lines, was born in Woodbridge April 30th, 1777, and settled near the homestead. He married Betsey Perkins, January 8th, 1S00. Their children numbered five: Charles, born November 15th, 1S00; David, born July 1st, 1803; Anna, born October 27th, 1805; Ailing, born November' 2d, 1791, and Betsey. The last two died young in life, Betsey on March 7th, 1824, at 15 years of age.

Charles Lines inherited the paternal estate, and married Asenath Ailing.

David Lines left home to seek his fortune elsewhere. Inclination led him to the sea; he was only 14 years of age, and was determined sooner or later to become a seaman. His father being in South America, his mother and older brother Charles, observing his purpose so strongly set, and his uneasiness to go, fitted him out, and obtained a position for him from the port of New Haven. His first sea voyage was a sealing expedition to the Pacific. He was gone three years, and the young man came home with about $300 as his share of the ship's profits. While absent he had perceived the difference between being the master and the common sailor. He resolved that the highest was none too high for his hopes and his achievements; hence when he came home, he put himself under the instruction of a competent scholar for the study of the science of navigation, intending soon to rise to the first position as a seaman. The science having been well mastered, he went to New York, and entered the service of the firm of Fox & Livingstone, owners of the packet line of clipper-built ships plying between New York and Havre, France. He soon became captain, and for a few years ran to and fro. He next sailed on voyages to ports of South America and the Mediterranean, in the interests of the same company; and so successful were his mercantile expeditions that from his share he soon had several thousands of dollars to invest. These he wisely placed with the company, and when steam-ships were built and put on the packet line, the company became the “New York and Havre Steamship Navigation Company.”

Mr. Mortimer Livingstone was chosen president and agent of the company. Captain David Lines, who had now become a heavy stockholder, was put in charge of the “Humboldt.” She was plied successfully, until in one voyage, running short of coal, she put in to the port of Halifax, Nova Scotia. A pilot was taken on board, and going in the harbor, he ran the steamer on the rocks and she was wrecked.

Captain Lines was now placed in charge of another steamship of the company, the “Arago.” This ship he ran with great success, making a very popular line between this country and France. So appreciated was he as a captain and a gentleman, that resolutions and testimonials of the highest character were frequently presented to him by the passengers. One of these is here recorded, and the eminent names bespeak their own worth.

A Card.

U. S. M. Steamer "Arago,”New York, April 23d, 1856. Captain David Lines: —

Dear Sir: — The passengers in the “Arago,”from Havre to New York, cannot, in justice to their own feelings, bid you farewell without expressing their deep and grateful sense of your conduct as the commander of this noble steamer throughout the last voyage. Whilst your seamanship, vigilance and devoted attention to your official duties have inspired them with the utmost confidence, your kindness and gentlemanly bearing in our social intercourse have made us all your personal friends. We wish you with all our hearts health, prosperity and happiness. It would be unjust were we to conclude without a tribute to the alacrity and skill with which the officers and crew have at all times obeyed your commands. Indeed there could not be a better ordered ship, and this, under Providence, has produced a perfect sense of security in all of us amid the dangers of the sea.

Yours respectfully.

Signed — James Buchanan, Henri Charles Dubois, George Dickinson, J. G. Adams, E. T. Dickinson. F. A. Livingstone, J. W. Tucker, Samuel Penniman, Louis K. Bridge, G. Kreisler, and all the passengers. So sincerely trusted and worthy of trust was Captain Lines, that gentlemen placed their wives and children in his care. He would take them to France, act as chaperon to a limited extent to them there, and bring them home in safety. He crossed the ocean to and fro in all about 240 times.

When the president of the company, Mr. M. Livingstone, died, Captain Lines was appointed president and agent in his stead. His closest friends were of the first people of New York and France. He amassed a large fortune, and by his sterling manliness and elegant manners won great confidence and esteem. The town of Woodbridge is highly honored in her son.

Captain Lines disappeared on June 15th, 1862. He was visiting Niagara Falls in search of health, and registered at the International Hotel. The last seen of him he went out of the door of the hotel, and, it is supposed, he wandered too near the yawning chasm and fell over. Relatives and friends made diligent search for him and offered a reward of $1,000 for the recovery of his body, but it was never found. He was not, for the God of the sea, whose mighty working he had so often seen on the ocean, took him.

His sister, Mrs. Anna Sperry, of New Haven, and his nephew, Mr. John M. Lines, erected a large and costly cenotaph in the Woodbridge cemetery. On its various sides are recorded the principal events of his life, the generous, upright quality of his nature, and the great respect in which he was held. The inscription of one face is as follows:

“He was esteemed and beloved, and his untimely death lamented; a man of temperate habits, of great kindness, of true friendship, of liberal charity. His toils and enterprises were rewarded with a fortune, and a generous nature led him to befriend the poor — a veteran sailor — an honored man; he now sleeps the sleep that knows no waking.”

Charles Lines, the eldest son of John and Betsey Lines, remained at home, caring for his mother during the prolonged absence of his father, John Lines, in South America. He married Asenath Ailing. He was a thrifty farmer on the family homestead, a man of great industry as of sterling virtue, and well maintained the good name of the Lines family. He died when only 56 years of age, July 11th, 1857. His wife, Asenath, survived him until October 11th, 1862, aged 71 years.

Their only son was John M. Lines, whose portrait appears in this work to represent both his family and his town. He attended the district school until he was 16 years of age, and pursued his studies farther in a private school in New Haven. But he, too, like his uncle David, had the passion for trying the “hazard of new fortunes,” and his uncle invited him to the office of the New York & Havre Steamship Navigation Company in New York. Subsequently he crossed the ocean and went to Paris. There he entered the great school, "The Institution Massin,” for the study of French. He remained about one year, and returned to New York and home in 1854, his father's broken health demanding the filial attentions of his son. A few months later he married, July 21st, 1854, Miss Adeline Curley, of New York. The young married couple found enough to do on the large homestead, and in filial devotion to their parents, to whose estate they were the heirs. It was also their great good fortune, a little later, to come into possession of a large portion of their Uncle David Lines' estate. So that wealth, beside that of their own thrifty making, centered in to them from two distinct lines.

And not without a sense of responsibility have these large advantages been used. The homestead has been greatly beautified, and the town improved in a variety of ways. A large family has been raised and educated; the poor have been comforted, the church has been aided and society benefitted. Mr. and Mrs. Lines have social qualities equalled only by their kindness of nature and moral worth. In all their large circle of acquaintance they are esteemed as choice friends.

Nine children have been born to them: Mrs. Ella Asenath Lewis, of Minneapolis; David Charles, of New York (Yale University, 1880); Isabella, who died November 11th, 1863, at nearly five years of age; Harriett M.; Mrs. Adeline M. Marsh, of Kansas City, Mo.; Maude Ethel; Eugenia, who died June 30th, 1868, aged eight months; John Marshall, Jr., and Thomas Clarkson, who died August 20th, 1876, at about ten months of age.

Mr. Lines has refused in unmistakable terms all town offices. In politics he is nominally a democrat, but so popular among all his townsmen that, in 1884, he went to the general assembly from old republican Woodbridge — an occurrence which had not happened before in thirty years. Mr. Lines is a Knight Templar and thirty-second degree Mason, and an Odd Fellow of the highest rank. He is chief of staff to General Foster, of the Patriarchs Militant of the state, and one of the few from Connecticut who wear the highest honors.

His family are parishioners of the Episcopal church, and “Stillwood” the abode of plenty and happiness.

Michael McCarthy was born in Quebec, Canada, in 1848. His father, Dennis McCarthy, emigrated to Canada from Ireland, settled in North Haven about 1850, and later removed to Orange, where he now resides. Michael settled in Woodbridge in 1877, and engaged in farming. He married, the same year, Ellen Dargen. They have four children: Benson, Helen, James and Mary.

David W. Marks, born in Willing, Allegany county, NY, in 1860, is a son of David B., born 1819, he a son of Levi, born 1792, he a son of Abraham, he a son of Zachariah and he a son of Mordecai, who was born in England in 1706 and came to this country and settled in New Haven count)'. David B. Marks was a native of Milford, as was also Levi, his father. The latter married Esther Tolles. David B. Marks married Helen S. Hall. David W. Marks settled in Woodbridge in 1879, and is engaged in farming. He married Hattie, daughter of John L. Sperry, in 1880. They have two children: Herbert S. and Archer A.

Chauncy S. Morris, born in Woodbridge in 1821, is a son of Nathan R., and he a son of Asa Morris, all residents of Woodbridge. Nathan R. Morris married Lucy Wooding. Their children were: Chauncy S., Sarah E., Charles J. Charles J. enlisted in Company A, 27th Connecticut Regiment, and served through the war. Chauncy S. Morris married, in 1852, Mabel Hotchkiss. They have one son, Dennis B., born in 1857. He married, in 1876, Addie Warner.

Charles L. Northrop was born in Bethany in 1828. He was the son of Marvin and Mary Northrop, who were also natives of Bethany. Charles L. married Adaline F. Andrew, of Bethany, in 1850. She was the daughter of Nehemiah and Phinett Sperry Andrew. They had five children, three now living: Mary A., born in 1851; Elmer T., born in 1854; Willie D., born in 1858; Hattie B., born in 1860, died in 1888; Sarah P., born in 1S56, died in 1880. Charles L. learned the trade of carpenter and joiner when a young man. He came to Woodbridge in 1860, and for 25 years he was employed in the match factory of Woodbridge.

Frank G. Northrop, born in Bethany, now a part of Woodbridge, in 1852, is a son of Allen and Jane (French) Northrop. His grandfather was Bela, and his great-grandfather Jedediah Northrop, a wheelwright. Bela was in the lumber business. He built a saw mill on the place now owned by Frank G. This business was afterward carried on by his son, Allen Northrop. Frank G. now owns a saw and grist mill upon the same site. Allen and Jane Northrop had nine children: Frank G., Lucia, Louise, Oscar (deceased), Annie, Mary, Fred., Harry and Edwin (deceased).

Silas J. Peck, born in Woodbridge in 1867, is a son of Henry C, grandson of Silas J., and great-grandson of Phineas, who was a son of Fiske Peck. Henry C. Peck married Susan C, daughter of Captain James J. Baldwin. They have three children: Newton J., Silas J. and Annie E. Newton J. married, in 1889, Bertha H. Thompson. Silas J. Peck was married, in 1889, to Eva S. Hollenbeck, and has one son.

William J. Peck, born in Woodbridge in 1852, is a son of Aurelius and Ruth A. (Osborn) Peck. Jerry Peck, his grandfather, was a soldier in the revolutionary war. Aurelius Peck's children were: Mary, Jane, Eliza, Sarah, Helen, Edwin, John, Nathan, Fred., Hiram, William J. and Daniel. William J., Hiram, Fred, and Eliza are living. William J. Peck was married in 1875 to Agnes A. Halliday. Their children are: Nellie, Hattie, Mary and Edna. Mr. Peck is a joiner by trade, but is engaged in farming at present. He is a member of the A. O. U.W., and Knights of Honor. Edwin Peck enlisted in the war of the rebellion, and died in the service.

William W. Peck, born in Woodbridge in 1832, is a son of William, grandson of Captain Phineas, and great-grandson of Fiske. The latter's father is supposed to have been named Phineas. He settled in Woodbridge at an early date, the family being one of the oldest in the town. William Peck married Elizabeth, daughter of Chauncy Tolles, of Bethany. Their children were: George C, William W. and Leonard E., living; and Elizabeth J., deceased. William Peck represented the town of Woodbridge in the legislature two terms. William W. was married in 1853 to Mary J. Fairchild, and their children are: Charles J., Will. F., Arthur T., Minnie L. and Lucy E. Mr. Peck represented the town in the legislature in 1880 and 1881. He held the office of selectman seven years in succession, and he has also been grand juror.

Henry Perthes, born in Saxony, Germany, in 1845, is a son of Carl Perthes. He came to America in 1869, and until 1874 was a resident of Catskill, N. Y. In that year he settled in Seymour, where he resided until 1890, when he purchased a fine residence in Woodbridge. He bought a hotel in Seymour in 1882, and three blocks of houses in 1888. He was married in 1871 to Paulina Heiman. They have three children: Annie, Laura and Oscar.

Lewis Russell, born in Woodbridge in 1805, was a son of Lemuel, and grandson of William Russell. Lemuel married Betsey Hotchkiss, and their children were: Dolly, Nehemiah, George, Lewis, William and Isaac. Lewis Russell held the offices of selectman and town treasurer several years, and represented the town in the legislature two terms. He married Elizabeth, daughter of Camp and Elizabeth Newton. They have one daughter, Elizabeth. Mr. Russell died in 1885. He was a member of the Congregational church of Woodbridge.

John F. Shepherd was born in North Haven in 1855. His father was Franklin, son of Ziba, and grandson of John Shepherd, all residents of New Haven county. Franklin Shepherd married Sarah Mansfield, and had two sons — Roswell and John F. — and five daughters—Mary, Mabel, Leeta, Elizabeth and Esther. John F. Shepherd settled in Woodbridge in 1887, and engaged in farming. He married, in 1884, Margaret Roche. They have three children: Mary E., John J. and Susan.

George R. Sperry, born in Woodbridge in 1826, is a son of Albert, whose father, Eliakim, was a son of Eliakim. George R. is a joiner by trade, and worked at that business for many years. He has been a prominent member of the Congregational church of Woodbridge for many years. He always resided in Woodbridge until recently, when he took up his residence in New Haven. He married Marietta, daughter of Elihu Beecher, and their children were: Albert L., Harry R., Burton P. and Carrie L. (deceased). Albert L. Sperry was born in Woodbridge in 1850, learned the joiner's trade, and after working at it for some years, engaged in farming and the milk business. He was married in 1874, to Laura J., daughter of William F. Morgan. Their children are: Frederick G., Arthur B., Frank A. and Minot M. Mr. Sperry is a member of the Congregational church of Woodbridge.

William H. Warner was born in Woodbridge January 23d, 1853, and married Mary Eliza, daughter of Mark and Martha S. Tucker, of Woodbridge, July 31st, 1876. They have one child, Mary Helen Warner, born April 25th, 1879. W. H. Warner entered the work of teaching in the fall of 1873, and taught in various schools until November, 1888, except from December, 1880, to May, 1885, during which time he was employed by the Diamond Match Company as bookkeeper. From April, 1875, to July, 1878, he was principal of the Seymour High School. Since November, 1888, he has been connected with Bennett, Sloan & Co., of New York. He has held numerous offices in his native town. He has been school visitor 16 years, being often chairman of the board of school visitors, and four years secretary and acting visitor. He has been elected justice of the peace several times, grand juror, town clerk in 1879, and collector of taxes for three years. He is one of the charter members of the Woodbridge Grange, and was elected overseer in December, 1890.

William C. White, born in Bethany in 1817, was a son of John and Martha (Hotchkiss) White. His grandfather, John, was a son of Lieutenant John, he a son of Deacon John, he a son of Captain John, and he a great-grandson of Elder John White, who came from England in 1632. John and Martha (Hotchkiss) White's children were: Joel, Elisha, John E. and William C. Joel was a resident of Oxford for upward of 40 years, was a member of the legislature from that town in 1846, state senator in 1851, and judge of probate for several years. Elisha White settled in New York state and died there. John E. died in early manhood. William C. married Harriet, daughter of Abel Prince, of Bethany. They had one daughter, Harriet May. William C. White resided in Bethany until 1866, when he removed to Woodbridge, where he died November 15th, 1881. Mrs. White died in 1873.

Stiles C. Williams was born in Naugatuck in 1843. His father was John M., and his grandfather was Jonathan Williams, a resident of Woodbury. John M. Williams married Lucy C. Clark. They had three sons: Henry C, Stiles C. and Nelson B. Henry C. was a carpenter by trade. He settled in Ansonia. He enlisted in Company E, 7th Connecticut Volunteers, and served four years. He married Martha Dean, and died in Ansonia in 1887. Nelson B. Williams was also a carpenter. He enlisted in the 2d Connecticut Artillery. He married Louise Meiggs, and died in 1889. Stiles C. Williams has always been engaged in farming, with the exception of five years, during which he was employed by the Douglass Manufacturing Company, auger manufacturers, at Seymour. In 1869 he settled in Bethany, where he resided until 1882, when he settled in Woodbridge. In 1867 he married Ellen H. Hitchcock, of Bethany. They have three children: Lucy I., Ida S. and Walter S.